After your surgeon’s office has scheduled your surgery, you will be contacted to schedule an appointment for pre-surgical testing (PST). If you are not home, they will leave a message. Please return their call to register and make your appointment. We require this appointment for an anesthesia evaluation even if you have already been seen by your primary care provider.

All patients require PST. The amount of testing and length of your appointment will vary based upon your age, health, medications, and type of anesthesia. Plan on being at PST for at least 90 minutes. Bring your medication bottles, including all over-the-counter medications and supplements, and a list of your previous surgeries. You may eat as usual before this appointment.

During your visit, a Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP) will obtain a detailed health history, review your medications and allergies, and take your vital signs. Then the CNP will perform a physical exam.

There may be testing such as blood work, EKG and chest X-ray. If you have had blood work performed elsewhere within the past 30 days of your planned surgery date, or an EKG or chest X-ray within the past 6 months, bringing a copy of those results may save us from having to repeat these tests.

Our pre-surgical testing department works closely with the anesthesiologists to ensure your safety during surgery. In a few cases, the CNP may ask the anesthesiologist to see you during your PST appointment. Otherwise, you will meet him the day of your surgery. If you have had complications with anesthesia in the past, please mention it at this appointment.

Patient education and pre-operative instructions are an important part of your pre-surgical testing. We will do our best to answer any of your questions or concerns. Our highly skilled professional staff will ensure you receive the safest and highest quality care during your surgical experience. It is our goal to make your visit as pleasant and convenient as possible.