Cosmetic Surgery

Many times, surgical intervention can help enhance or improve your overall appearance and help you realize your ideal aesthetic. We offer both surgical and non-surgical services designed to help you look younger, thinner or more suitable to your desires, according to your specific needs.

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Injuries, illnesses and birth defects can all play a role in causing deformities that may require surgical intervention to correct. If you've been affected by a deformity, surgical intervention can be an effective way to improve your area of concern, restore function and increase mobility for a better quality of life. At WRHPI, we offer a number of plastic and reconstructive surgeries designed to address deformities, scars, traumatic injuries, post-cancer abnormalities and more.


4275 Steels Pointe Road
Stow, OH 44224
(330) 971-9730

4016 Massillon Road, Suite C
Uniontown, OH 44685
(330) 971-9730

