Message From The DIO
Our behalf of our entire medical staff I would like to welcome you to Western Reserve Hospital. Whether you are interested in one of our medical or surgical residency programs or just completing a specialty elective rotation, we want your experience to be the highest quality and contribute to your future education. We value our medical students as part of our WRH family and have designed our StudentOne program with your needs in mind. Our didactic sessions provide an opportunity to learn about medical conditions and also about items that affect your future clinical training and improve your candidacy for residency, in a safe environment with other students from across the country. Our StudentOne Simulation curriculum teaches critical hands-on procedural skills and also exposes our learners to cutting edge training modalities that will be used in future residency training. We invite you to take full advantage of any of our educational offerings during your time here at Western Reserve Hospital. Our WRH family cares about building tomorrow’s physicians.
StudentOne Didactics
StudentOne Didactics program provides medical students the opportunity to gain immersive knowledge on various topics throughout the year. These sessions are led by content experts via case discussions and presentations. Topics also include test-taking skills, residency Match strategies, and high-yield board review. Attendance at these sessions is highly recommended, and the topics chosen are meant to complement individual specialty didactic experiences.
StudentOne Simulation
The StudentOne Simulation program is located at Western Reserve Hospital and provides students and clinicians the opportunity to practice challenging, immersive simulation training within a safe, hands-on learning environment.
The Western Reserve Hospital StudentOne Simulation program will provide simulation education to medical students, residents, and faculty to promote quality and safety, education, and research. Our simulation program will provide an educational experience that is learner-centric and individualized. Our goal is to achieve excellence in simulation education, training, learner assessment, and research. For us to provide the best learning opportunities, our team works to determine goals and create cases matched to our students’ skill levels. Our residents facilitate our simulation labs by beginning with a 10-15 minute presentation that covers the goals and objectives of the lab.
Contact Information:
If interested in participating in a StudentOne activity you must apply to complete a rotation with WRH. For any questions or concerns please reach out to our Medical Student Email: medicalstudents@westernreservehospital.org