Connie Kramer lives in Akron, Ohio, and practices process painting
regularly – these paintings have resulted from that practice. Connie
discovered intuitive art while on retreat in Chicago in 2010. Rather
than painting something “out there,” intuitive art relies on a continual
creative process and an element of the unknown. “Whose Art is it
Anyway?” speaks to the improvisational nature of intuitive painting
and the opening to creative input from beyond the conscious mind.
Connie says, “The process of art-making is an adventure in itself.
It’s a mind-changing, whole-brain activity, providing a spectrum
of wellness including self-care, stress relief, self-discovery and recovery,
cognitive attunement, and community-building. AND, it’s just plain
fun. I continually engage in the creative process and provide
opportunities for others to do so.”
To purchase a painting contact Connie: or call/text (330) 203-1658
Instagram: @conniesartbreakexperience